How to use FlowCal's Excel UI ============================= To use the ``FlowCal``’s Excel UI, follow these steps: 1. Make and save an Excel file indicating the FCS files to process. Click :doc:`here ` for information on how to make a properly formatted input Excel file. 2. Launch ``FlowCal``’s Excel UI by double clicking on ``Run FlowCal (Windows).bat`` or ``Run FlowCal (OSX)``. 3. A window will appear requesting an input Excel file. Locate the Excel file made in step 1 and click on “Open”. 4. ``FlowCal`` will start :doc:`processing` the indicated calibration beads and cell samples. A terminal window will appear indicating the progress of the analysis. 5. When the analysis finishes, the message “Press Enter to finish...” will appear. Press Enter and close the terminal window. A set of :ref:`plots` and :ref:`an Excel file` with statistics will appear in the same directory in which the input Excel file was located.