Installing FlowCal in an Existing Python Evironment ======================================================= Python (2.7, 3.6, or 3.7) is required, along with ``pip`` and ``setuptools``. The easiest way is to install ``FlowCal`` is to use ``pip``:: pip install FlowCal This should take care of all the requirements automatically. Linux and Mac OSX users may need to request administrative permissions by preceding this command with ``sudo``. Alternatively, download ``FlowCal`` from `here `_. Next, make sure that the following Python packages are present: * ``packaging`` (>=16.8) * ``six`` (>=1.10.0) * ``numpy`` (>=1.8.2) * ``scipy`` (>=0.14.0) * ``matplotlib`` (>=2.0.0) * ``palettable`` (>=2.1.1) * ``scikit-image`` (>=0.10.0) * ``scikit-learn`` (>=0.16.0) * ``pandas`` (>=0.16.1) * ``xlrd`` (>=0.9.2) * ``XlsxWriter`` (>=0.5.2) If you have ``pip``, a ``requirements.txt`` file is provided, such that the required packages can be installed by running:: pip install -r requirements.txt To install ``FlowCal``, run the following in ``FlowCal``'s root directory:: python install Again, some users may need to precede the previous commands with ``sudo``. .. note:: **Ubuntu/Linux Mint**: ``FlowCal`` might need more recent versions of some python packages than the ones provided via ``apt``. To upgrade these, some non-python packages need to be installed in your system. On freshly installed systems, the following packages may need to be manually installed: * ``gcc`` * ``g++`` * ``gfortran`` * ``libblas-dev`` * ``liblapack-dev`` * ``libfreetype6-dev`` * ``python-dev`` * ``python-tk`` * ``python-pip`` All of these can be installed using:: sudo apt install Next, ``pip`` should be upgraded by using:: sudo pip install --upgrade pip After this, you may install ``FlowCal`` by following the steps above.